
Speed skaters

Using this screen you can maintain the speed skaters in your trainingsgroup. The registered speed skaters can then be used in the registration of a race.

The following information about a speed skater can be registered.

  • Identification number: The unique identification number of a speed skater.A prefix will be used as supplied in Settings
  • Firstname
  • Lastname: Both the first and the last name must be entered
  • Date of birth: The date of birth will be used to determine the age category of a speed skater
  • Photo: a phot of the speed skater. this photo can ben used ia all functionalities with-in the app. This will only be done when you want. Use Settings to set this option

If there are results available for the speed skater, the personal record for the skater on a distance will be shown. If you touch the PR, a list will be shown with all results of the skater on the distance for the current season.

In this list, you can select a maximum of 4 results for which you want to compare the split times for.

The current season can ben changed in the Settings functionality of the app.

By touching the "Chart" link in the header, a chart can be displayed for all the results of the current speed skater.

By touching the "Notes" link in the header, all notes for the current distance of the current speed skater can be viewed.

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