Using this screen you can reigister the events, which are skated during a season. While administering an event, you can specify which distances are skated in the event.
The following items can be registered for an event.
- track: The track on which the races are skated.. A default value will be used. This value is registered on the screen Settings
- Description: Extra information about the event. Example: European championships
- Date of the event
- Distances: By using the switches, you can specify the distances that are skated during the event
If a switch for a distance is set to "on", a link is made available. When using this link, a new screen is shown to register the heats. This screen shows you a list of all heats that have been entered for the distance. You can add a new heat by touching the add-sign in the title bar. When registering an net heat, you must supply the following items.
- Heat: Het number of the heat
- Color: The color of the strap the skater must wear during the race
- Skater: Select one of the skaters as registered on the screen Speed skaters
If a new heat is added tot the list, the personal record of the skater on this distance will be shown.
You can edit or delete a heat by clicking on the heat.
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